Monday 26 January 2015

130 Days Until Trip - Day 29 of Training / Diet

Wow, I'm 4 weeks in to this now and still going and losing weight which makes it all worthwhile. I would have liked to have had more weight loss, but a loss is a loss and they say if you lose it slowly you have a better chance of succeeding and of keeping it off,

 As I've said last week I wasn't well so nothing done as such. As a result there's very little to review;
exercise 1% of what was planned and diet I'd say around 80%, which considering the week, was great and I even lost weight. 

I lost 1 lb and with that I've reached my first goal of 7 lbs weight loss (7.2 lbs to date). My new target is a stone (14 lbs), so bring it on :-)

For me I like visual reminders of where I'm at and how I'm going. I have a white board in my bedroom to track my journey and although at the moment there's only a small dent, in a couple of months, things will have moved forward.

and in my kitchen
1 marble represents 1 lb so say a little prayer for me to succeed at this.

Until tomorrow....................Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1 lb -  Weight Loss To date (4 wks): 7.2 lbs  - Remaining:  48.8 lbs

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