Sunday 4 January 2015

152 Days Until Trip - Day 7 of Training / Diet

                        Sunday 04th January 2015 

Woke up this morning and I felt like, what's the point of all this and that I just wasn't going on club spin....yes the novelty of getting fit for my trip was now gone, I just couldn't be bothered. All normal feelings for many trying to get back on track. Now you're waiting for me to show you the magic pill of how I got up and went for a spin and I can honestly tell you that in one word.......

                                   F   E   A   R 

oh yes fear. Fear of not turning up and having to face one of my friends later on and having to tell her, I just didn't feel like going. Let's just say the pain of cycling when you feel miserable is much more worth it. You know who you are and I know you're laughing....actually a lot are probably smiling too, knowing who it is. Well it worked, I headed down to meet the guys.

And to be honest at the moment she is not alone, I have a great support team (even though I might just not feel like having it at times). 

There was a great turn out this morning with around 50 members turning up. In the end I cut it short by around 15 kilometres but I still finished up wiith 63.3 k and was on the bike for 02:43:12 so not a bad spin. 

I suffered on the drags abut with support and encouragement from some of the guys I got over them. I am where I am and it's going to take time and I have to go through the pain barrier. I was the only one to suffer a little today. Was wrecked but I still finished by going up two hills on my way home, Summerhill, and Upper Yellow Road, which is great as normally I'd avoid them by going here there and everywhere.

Now my planned exercises were

but not a chance of that happening today......I'm finished for today. 

Actually I'm going to restart the bodyweight exercises on day 1 again from Tuesday, so that I don't finish my Sunday cycle again with a big exercise workout. 

I'll give a quick review of week tomorrow ...bye for now, keep smiling :-)

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