Friday 9 January 2015

147 Days Until Trip - Day 12 of Training / Diet

New day, new mood, and yesterday was yesterday, so I'm saying no more about that. 

Now it was suggested that I may have gave in and had a cake yesterday but I can honestly say no I'm still cake free....12 days now.

The main problem I'm actually having is that I still have bread in my diet although over the last few days I've switched to brown. Plan is to wean myself off it over next week. An odd slice grand but at the moment I'm eating more than that. The next issue diet wise to solve is variety. I definitely need to learn to have more but again as I'm keep saying, I'm a work in progress. I'm willing to amend and change where necessary and for now the main goal is to keep this up for a month to create that habit I want.


Today's plan of action was, day 4 of the 30 Days of Change.

Yes that was the plan but somehow I got my days mixed up and I 5, ops! Tomorrow I'll do the day 4 and be right again on Sunday.

Oh yes these are lovely pictures....but they're pictures of skinny people exercising. I could say I'm a skinny athlete but then you'd realise I bought my mirror in an amusement park.

When programs like these are being designed do they realise that, for example the plank jump ins that it is physically impossible for people of my size to jump their knees up to their chest....hello, that extra weight
I'm carrying is hanging out of my six pack (oh yes I have's buried). So clearly not possible. They actually killed me. 

Then there's the alt arm/leg raises......I'm a man, I can't multi task. You want me to put one arm up and then at the same time put up the opposite one, and quickly change this over. I'm still trying to figure out if my left arm is up, I have to put up my......oh yes, my right leg, no my left leg.......see, not possible.

All exercises, all levels completed. Actually I really liked the plank jacks, don't know why but I enjoyed them. 

I can't wait to try this day again in a few months. I'm going to complete level 3, all the 7 sets and not the 3, I did today.

Today I also did a 21k cycle on my beast helping a beginner friend, on what was a very slow pace......but was a little extra exercise, so all good (not strenuous but extra).

Weekend club spins ahead of me. Bye for now...Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 2.4 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (1 wk): 2.4 lbs  - Remaining:  53.6 lbs

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