Friday 23 January 2015

133 Days Until Trip - Day 26 of Training / Diet

Only updating today as I've being sick, so absolutely nothing done for the last few days but feeling better today, so going to go back training tomorrow, just something small.

I still have plenty of time to do this and although at times it does feel daunting, I know I can do this......I WILL DO THIS.

I have had great support from friends over the last few days and although I may not say it, I really appreciate it and it's great knowing people are there .... thanks guys :-)

You may have noticed I have a new blog header and I have to thank one of my club mates for my new image, thanks Martin Power, great job on drawing.

My only concern about the image is, was it meant to be a picture of me because then I need to worry :-)

So just a quick update....bye for now
                                                               Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.9 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (3 wks): 6.2 lbs  - Remaining:  49.8 lbs

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