Tuesday 6 January 2015

150 Days Until Trip - Day 9 of Training / Diet

The day of rest was great yesterday and I feel the better for it today. 

This morning, I went out on my touring bike with one of my club mates. As he had his road bike, it meant he would have an easy spin. He was happy with that, he just wanted to keep me going and focused on my goal. 

I decided I'd keep a high cadence (pedal speed) which will help with my fitness and endurance. I took off too fast this morning, so going to get a speedo, so that I know my speed and that way keep a regular pace. 

Another thing I really must do is stretch after my spins because I have great intentions to, but then it never happens....so need a kick up the ass for this. Slow steps with all this but I'll get it all working together in a few weeks. Another few miles in the legs. 

With that in mind, I'm hearing the following saying a lot lately and I've never heard it before .......

Winter Miles.....Summer Smiles :-)

Now for the 30 Days of Change week 1, day 1 (attempt 2).

Even though I had done the cardio earlier, I decided I'd drag my kids out for a walk with me to follow the above. We walked for 3.8 kilometres in 43:11 so a little more than the plan.

When I got home I did the bodyweight exercises and a few stretches to finish for the day.


Daily Dilemmas

I past a few cake shops today (not intentionally) and can honestly say I was tempted to go in, but I didn't .......day 9 and still no cakes. 

Was wondering if maybe as a treat once a week, that I might have ONE and not the first of the month like I planned.....only a thought, but a vivid one.

Anyway I'm going ok.....tomorrow is a new day, with new thoughts .........keep smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Week:  2.4 lbs   -   Weight Loss To date (1 week):  2.4 lbs   -   Remaining:  53.6 lbs

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