Monday 5 January 2015

151 Days Until Trip - Day 8 of Training / Diet

Hard to believe I'm one week down already, but here I am starting week two. Was the week hard, yes, up and down.

Overall I would say I was about 85% good with diet and hit around the same with my exercise goals. Yes there's room for improvement but I've started and on my journey, weight wise.

I lost 2.4 lbs last weekwhich I'm very happy with, a loss is a for now is 7 lbs.


What I've learned over the last week is that I have a great support system in place with people who are willing to help me out if needed or give me a kick up the backside if needed too.

The worst thing about making this so public is that you can't really can't give up or fail, although at times you may feel like it. 

The more people know this, the more people watch what you're doing which is great for you in the long run. Another thing to remember is some of them are suffering and struggling too, it's just their journey isn't so public, so always worth remembering, you are not alone in every sense of the word.

Today I'm taking a rest day but will do some stretches later. Rest is as important as exercise. Tomorrow I'll be back in action again....until then...keep smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Week:  2.4 lbs   -   Weight Loss To date (1 week):  2.4 lbs   -   Remaining:  53.6 lbs

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