Monday 12 January 2015

144 Days Until Trip - Day 15 of Training / Diet

It's hard to believe I'm going into my third week of this new change but yet here I am. Up to now I worked on the principle of 21/28 days to break a habit and form a new one but I was told a day or two ago that some expert reckons reckons in fact it takes sixty six days and despite that being a major pain in the ass, especially as I'm nearing 21 days, I tend to believe it. Regardless whether its 21, 28, 66 or even a 100 I've started and I am on this journey to succeed.
 Today I'm having a rest day as my legs are tired and sore from yesterdays spin. I have a workout from the 30 days of change that I'm following but that can wait until tomorrow. My body will thank me for the rest. Rest days are very important too as your body needs time to recover.
Now what about last week, how did it go in general?

What everyone really wants to know is did I lose or gain weight and I'm please to say....I lost weight.  I lost 1.9 lbs last week which makes it 4.3 lbs over the two weeks, which if I kept this up would knock off a lot of the weight I need to lose before my trip. However it's a week by week thing and as I said my first target is to reach 7 lbs loss.

Diet wise I was about 90% on target and I had no junk other than 3 handfuls of salted peanuts. The reason it's not a 100% is that I had more bread than planned and also I'm still working on portion size.

On the exercise front I hit about the same, 90% of what I planned. All in all I'm going great and I just have to continue the momentum.

Bye for now...Keep Smiling :-)
 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.9 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (2 wks): 4.3 lbs  - Remaining:  51.7 lbs

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