Friday 16 January 2015

140 Days Until Trip - Day 18 & 19 of Training / Diet

Ops just realised I forgot to update yesterday but updating now so all's good.

The weather over the last few days has being very cold and it's hard to get motivated to do anything. All I want to do is cuddle up by fire.

I was contacted this morning by one of my friends about going for a spin but I just wasn't feeling it on so many levels I reached for my favourite book.

Now what excuses had I;

  • it's cold out......check 
  • not in good form........check 
  • Jupiter is passing close to Mars...check 
Al in there, YES I was covered, I didn't have to go.......sorted. 

Not so lucky, I was kinda persuaded to go and then I was reminded of a post I had posted to our club page, actually I schedule them so it was a coincidence today but it bit me in the ass anyway.

The picture had the quote

"You don't have to go FAST, you just HAVE TO GO"

It was cold out and the wind was tough at times but it was a beautiful fresh day for it. Like so many cyclists, the worst part is actually getting ready for your spin. I was glad I gone and and I thanked Deirdre for getting me going......sometimes, you just need a little push.

34.46k in 1h:38m:59s Not the fastest or not the longest but it is so much better than zero k or zero they say, every little helps.

Oh and I wasn't done, I still had day 9 of the 30 Days of Change.
Ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! by three sets and you get the idea. they hurt, they hurt a lot.

I can feel my six pack coming through already, it's amazing :-)

Some days to be truthful, all this extra exercise is just a pain in the backside and I wish I'd feel better on the bike. I do know and I completely understand it takes time but I'm no different than anyone else I do struggle and I do find it hard. Yup I'm going great overall and again I know that's hard to explain.....sometimes you just get fed up of it.

I just have to plug away and one of these day's it'll all kick in :-)


Most people who know me, are well aware I have a liking for a wee bit of cake and today temptation came a knocking at my door in the form of 4 Cupcake Heaven cakes my daughter bought. 

She asked me did I want one and I said "NO"......well that's the word that was meant to come out of my mouth when in fact I actually said "YES"......OPS!

I was told if I didn't own up to it that she (my daughter) would post it up on my FB page here I am admitting that I had cake 19. 

Yup I didn't make it to the first of the month like I planned and you know what, I'm happy I had was like velvet, I was in heaven....Cupcake Heaven. 

I know one or two or more are going to kill me but it was worth it :-)

Bye for now while I make up my will....yikes !

Did I tell was delicious :-)

And no I won't have cake on the first of February now....I'll wait to the first of March....fingers crossed....maybe a few broken fingers crossed !

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.9 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (2 wks): 4.3 lbs  - Remaining:  51.7 lbs

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