Monday 9 February 2015

116 Days Until Trip - Day 43 of Training / Diet

Days 30 to 43

The last two weeks and the week previous I wasn't well so no training as such, but feeling good again so fingers crossed. I got out on Friday and Saturday for two cycles, 34.45 and 40.21 kilometres respectively, which I really enjoyed. 

Three weeks is a lot to lose but during that time I kept my diet relatively good and continued to lose weight, albeit only a small amount....BUT a loss is a loss. 

I'm now 9.8 lbs down giving an average of 1.63 lbs weekly. Over a year that would be more than enough to reach my goal.

A friend of mine had this on her Facebook page and I thought it was apt for the few weeks I've had. Roll on tomorrow, ready to get back training proper again.

Thanks to my family and friends for the support over the last few weeks, very much appreciated.

Take care, keep smiling :-)
 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.4 lb -  Weight Loss To date (6 wks): 9.8 lbs  - Remaining:  46.2 lbs

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