Monday 26 January 2015

130 Days Until Trip - Day 29 of Training / Diet

Wow, I'm 4 weeks in to this now and still going and losing weight which makes it all worthwhile. I would have liked to have had more weight loss, but a loss is a loss and they say if you lose it slowly you have a better chance of succeeding and of keeping it off,

 As I've said last week I wasn't well so nothing done as such. As a result there's very little to review;
exercise 1% of what was planned and diet I'd say around 80%, which considering the week, was great and I even lost weight. 

I lost 1 lb and with that I've reached my first goal of 7 lbs weight loss (7.2 lbs to date). My new target is a stone (14 lbs), so bring it on :-)

For me I like visual reminders of where I'm at and how I'm going. I have a white board in my bedroom to track my journey and although at the moment there's only a small dent, in a couple of months, things will have moved forward.

and in my kitchen
1 marble represents 1 lb so say a little prayer for me to succeed at this.

Until tomorrow....................Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1 lb -  Weight Loss To date (4 wks): 7.2 lbs  - Remaining:  48.8 lbs

Sunday 25 January 2015

131 Days Until Trip - Day 28 of Training / Diet

Ok well didn't get back training but did today, thankfully.

I only did a 30 min turbo session but it's a start back after not feeling well and I did work up a good sweat. It's more than I did all week. 

It was funny when I started as I found it so easy, I even put the gears up to the top and was delighted, I was pedalling fast but felt no pressure on my fitness has improved. However a couple of mins in I realised I never engaged the resistance on the turbo when I had moved it......ops ! I quickly reduced down the gearing when I engaged it :-)

Not expecting too much tomorrow with regards to weight loss especially with nothing really done training wise but I'll be delighted if I maintained last weeks weight. Tomorrow will tell:

Bye for now
                                                               Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.9 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (3 wks): 6.2 lbs  - Remaining:  49.8 lbs

Friday 23 January 2015

133 Days Until Trip - Day 26 of Training / Diet

Only updating today as I've being sick, so absolutely nothing done for the last few days but feeling better today, so going to go back training tomorrow, just something small.

I still have plenty of time to do this and although at times it does feel daunting, I know I can do this......I WILL DO THIS.

I have had great support from friends over the last few days and although I may not say it, I really appreciate it and it's great knowing people are there .... thanks guys :-)

You may have noticed I have a new blog header and I have to thank one of my club mates for my new image, thanks Martin Power, great job on drawing.

My only concern about the image is, was it meant to be a picture of me because then I need to worry :-)

So just a quick update....bye for now
                                                               Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.9 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (3 wks): 6.2 lbs  - Remaining:  49.8 lbs

Monday 19 January 2015

137 Days Until Trip - Day 22 of Training / Diet

It's that time of the week again, where I start into a new week and have a look back at the previous.

To date things are going very well and I'm losing weight but that being said, last week fell short. Is it time to panic? 
No not at all but it's good to realise it.

The last few days I didn't get much exercise done plus I failed to update blog accountability, doesn't help so back on track today. I don't mind not updating the odd day, but missing a few isn't good at all.

That being said, on Saturday I did a small cycle plus four hours approximately of knocking down an old shed and clearing out a back garden, so I didn't slack off too much. In fact Sunday I was in bits from it.....some muscles I didn't know existed were sore.

Also lately my knees are killing me with the cold,

I have resorted to placing a hot water bottle on them to help.....the joys of old age :-)

The good news is the weather is due to change from Wednesday, so that will be sorted then.

Now last week I would rate as the following;

Diet..........around 85% (again due to portion size,, bread, the 1 cupcake I had plus also I had 1 bottle lucozade and pack of tayto)

Exercise.......only hit around 70% of what I had planned. 

In general I hated last week and found it hard to stay motivated and focused. It is all part of the process and everyone has similar when doing the same, and I recognise this, but it still was a pain of a week. I'll continue with my plan and do the best that I can and eventually I'll get there. Regardless I'm doing more than the person who is doing nothing.

Weight loss...........I did great.....almost reached my first goal.......with a loss of 1.9 lbs last week. Next week I should hit the magical first half stone (7 lbs). Brilliant.....a loss every week.

Nothing done today as spent day in Dublin with hospital appointment, with my daughter same old same old but it just takes up the day. All good thankfully and as for me tomorrow back on track.

Bye for now...Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.9 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (3 wks): 6.2 lbs  - Remaining:  49.8 lbs

Friday 16 January 2015

140 Days Until Trip - Day 18 & 19 of Training / Diet

Ops just realised I forgot to update yesterday but updating now so all's good.

The weather over the last few days has being very cold and it's hard to get motivated to do anything. All I want to do is cuddle up by fire.

I was contacted this morning by one of my friends about going for a spin but I just wasn't feeling it on so many levels I reached for my favourite book.

Now what excuses had I;

  • it's cold out......check 
  • not in good form........check 
  • Jupiter is passing close to Mars...check 
Al in there, YES I was covered, I didn't have to go.......sorted. 

Not so lucky, I was kinda persuaded to go and then I was reminded of a post I had posted to our club page, actually I schedule them so it was a coincidence today but it bit me in the ass anyway.

The picture had the quote

"You don't have to go FAST, you just HAVE TO GO"

It was cold out and the wind was tough at times but it was a beautiful fresh day for it. Like so many cyclists, the worst part is actually getting ready for your spin. I was glad I gone and and I thanked Deirdre for getting me going......sometimes, you just need a little push.

34.46k in 1h:38m:59s Not the fastest or not the longest but it is so much better than zero k or zero they say, every little helps.

Oh and I wasn't done, I still had day 9 of the 30 Days of Change.
Ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch! by three sets and you get the idea. they hurt, they hurt a lot.

I can feel my six pack coming through already, it's amazing :-)

Some days to be truthful, all this extra exercise is just a pain in the backside and I wish I'd feel better on the bike. I do know and I completely understand it takes time but I'm no different than anyone else I do struggle and I do find it hard. Yup I'm going great overall and again I know that's hard to explain.....sometimes you just get fed up of it.

I just have to plug away and one of these day's it'll all kick in :-)


Most people who know me, are well aware I have a liking for a wee bit of cake and today temptation came a knocking at my door in the form of 4 Cupcake Heaven cakes my daughter bought. 

She asked me did I want one and I said "NO"......well that's the word that was meant to come out of my mouth when in fact I actually said "YES"......OPS!

I was told if I didn't own up to it that she (my daughter) would post it up on my FB page here I am admitting that I had cake 19. 

Yup I didn't make it to the first of the month like I planned and you know what, I'm happy I had was like velvet, I was in heaven....Cupcake Heaven. 

I know one or two or more are going to kill me but it was worth it :-)

Bye for now while I make up my will....yikes !

Did I tell was delicious :-)

And no I won't have cake on the first of February now....I'll wait to the first of March....fingers crossed....maybe a few broken fingers crossed !

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.9 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (2 wks): 4.3 lbs  - Remaining:  51.7 lbs

Wednesday 14 January 2015

142 Days Until Trip - Day 16 & 17 of Training / Diet

As you can see there was no update from yesterday and that was because the day didn't ago according to plan so nothing done whatsoever. Between, errands to run, taking young lad to cinema, phone calls and visitors.....the day was over, but the extra rest was great and my legs aren't sore today.

As I said above, I went to the cinema, with my young lad and my new way of thinking is starting to work. Normally I'd get some sweets and a bottle of lucozade, but I didn't yesterday. Also I'd take him for pizza or  McDonald's after a movie but again, I didn't. The bigger surprise is not that I consciously decided not to, it's just that I didn't......and I'm happy I didn't.

Todays plan of action is to do yesterdays exercise, day 7 of the 30 Days of Change and carry on from that tomorrow. 

Ouch ! summarises it a little....well not really but I can't type what it really feels like but I know you know what I mean. The core ones hurt...start off ok then its like....................................................... 7....8.........................9..................................10

The funny thing is you watch any YouTube videos the athlete flies through the routine, jump up when done and they're ready to go again. It's like watching the Duracell bunny on speed. My YouTube video would need to be a short movie and they'd be no jumping up....oh no, I'd be using a zimmer frame if needed :-) Then again the hint was in the word..athlete, hey but I''m building my own now.

Also to make up for yesterday I did 45 minutes on the turbo. The turbo really works up a sweat, boring as hell, but you do sweat. As they say "Sweat is fat crying" fingers crossed :-)

I'm outta here Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.9 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (2 wks): 4.3 lbs  - Remaining:  51.7 lbs

Monday 12 January 2015

144 Days Until Trip - Day 15 of Training / Diet

It's hard to believe I'm going into my third week of this new change but yet here I am. Up to now I worked on the principle of 21/28 days to break a habit and form a new one but I was told a day or two ago that some expert reckons reckons in fact it takes sixty six days and despite that being a major pain in the ass, especially as I'm nearing 21 days, I tend to believe it. Regardless whether its 21, 28, 66 or even a 100 I've started and I am on this journey to succeed.
 Today I'm having a rest day as my legs are tired and sore from yesterdays spin. I have a workout from the 30 days of change that I'm following but that can wait until tomorrow. My body will thank me for the rest. Rest days are very important too as your body needs time to recover.
Now what about last week, how did it go in general?

What everyone really wants to know is did I lose or gain weight and I'm please to say....I lost weight.  I lost 1.9 lbs last week which makes it 4.3 lbs over the two weeks, which if I kept this up would knock off a lot of the weight I need to lose before my trip. However it's a week by week thing and as I said my first target is to reach 7 lbs loss.

Diet wise I was about 90% on target and I had no junk other than 3 handfuls of salted peanuts. The reason it's not a 100% is that I had more bread than planned and also I'm still working on portion size.

On the exercise front I hit about the same, 90% of what I planned. All in all I'm going great and I just have to continue the momentum.

Bye for now...Keep Smiling :-)
 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.9 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (2 wks): 4.3 lbs  - Remaining:  51.7 lbs

Sunday 11 January 2015

145 Days Until Trip - Day 14 of Training / Diet

Today I was reminded that yesterday was not a bad day, that in fact I did very I didn't give in and that that was a new way of thinking and they're right. And while I think of it, thanks to everyone for their support, comments, texts, message etc, I really appreciate them :-)

This morning was club spin time and I can honestly say that no matter what feelings you have, a little while with the group changes all that as the craic and slagging just starts immediately and you have no choice but to give in and be happy.

The weather was fine but cold and very windy and I was in the group, not even leading it , so kudos to those that did, ye're machines.

I found it tough in spots and in particular the hills but everyone wished me well AS THEY PASSED ME on them...I was waiting for Mr Bean to pass me too lol :-)

On way back the wind was with us so give us a great push ...great day, great spin, great support.

 All that was left to do for exercise, was day 6 of the 30 Days of Change.

 The cardio part was obviously the cycling and the rest was no bother and another day, done and dusted.

14 days now and no cakes, and very happy with that....ok, happy not very :-)
Bye for now...Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 2.4 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (1 wk): 2.4 lbs  - Remaining:  53.6 lbs

Saturday 10 January 2015

146 Days Until Trip - Day 13 of Training / Diet

Well it nearly happened but it didn't and I'm proud I stayed strong.

Had a great day up to the afternoon but then I let life get in my way and as always I started to do what I  always junk.

I was ready to go on line and order a take away and to be honest I still want to but it's not going to solve things. When life gets in my way that's my response but it solves nothing so fighting hard tonight. It;s day 13 and it's not worth throwing it all away......and hopefully tomorrows post will reflect this. Correction, it will.

Some happy pills tonight are in order :-)


Ok new thoughts.....what did I do? Saturday is my normal club spin and today was no different. Got up early on a windy morning and we did a 40+ kilometre spin which was great.

These spins are great on so many levels, fitness, social and mental health and worth every effort put into it.

Next up was day 4 of the 30 Days of Change.
The push ups were hard for me but are needed for this new version of me. I had to and I'm not ashamed to say, do some from my knees but I will get stronger at them. The squats I actually love, so nothing bad to say about them. I'll probably be sore in the morning from them but I still love them.

Ok out of here and resting for remainder of day.  

Bye for now...
Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 2.4 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (1 wk): 2.4 lbs  - Remaining:  53.6 lbs

Friday 9 January 2015

147 Days Until Trip - Day 12 of Training / Diet

New day, new mood, and yesterday was yesterday, so I'm saying no more about that. 

Now it was suggested that I may have gave in and had a cake yesterday but I can honestly say no I'm still cake free....12 days now.

The main problem I'm actually having is that I still have bread in my diet although over the last few days I've switched to brown. Plan is to wean myself off it over next week. An odd slice grand but at the moment I'm eating more than that. The next issue diet wise to solve is variety. I definitely need to learn to have more but again as I'm keep saying, I'm a work in progress. I'm willing to amend and change where necessary and for now the main goal is to keep this up for a month to create that habit I want.


Today's plan of action was, day 4 of the 30 Days of Change.

Yes that was the plan but somehow I got my days mixed up and I 5, ops! Tomorrow I'll do the day 4 and be right again on Sunday.

Oh yes these are lovely pictures....but they're pictures of skinny people exercising. I could say I'm a skinny athlete but then you'd realise I bought my mirror in an amusement park.

When programs like these are being designed do they realise that, for example the plank jump ins that it is physically impossible for people of my size to jump their knees up to their chest....hello, that extra weight
I'm carrying is hanging out of my six pack (oh yes I have's buried). So clearly not possible. They actually killed me. 

Then there's the alt arm/leg raises......I'm a man, I can't multi task. You want me to put one arm up and then at the same time put up the opposite one, and quickly change this over. I'm still trying to figure out if my left arm is up, I have to put up my......oh yes, my right leg, no my left leg.......see, not possible.

All exercises, all levels completed. Actually I really liked the plank jacks, don't know why but I enjoyed them. 

I can't wait to try this day again in a few months. I'm going to complete level 3, all the 7 sets and not the 3, I did today.

Today I also did a 21k cycle on my beast helping a beginner friend, on what was a very slow pace......but was a little extra exercise, so all good (not strenuous but extra).

Weekend club spins ahead of me. Bye for now...Keep Smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 2.4 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (1 wk): 2.4 lbs  - Remaining:  53.6 lbs

Thursday 8 January 2015

148 Days Until Trip - Day 11 of Training / Diet

Another day, more diet, more exercise.....yay !

And today went like blah, blah, blah and more blah, 

Exercised and ate good, had no cake...will succeed....E V E N T U A L L Y. 

Not feeling it today and I'll post properly tomorrow.

Today's plan of action was, day 3 of the 30 Days of Change.

Only did 20 mins cardio today because wasn't bothered and didn't feel like it....simple.

Bye for now ..... new day tomorrow, time out for rest of day 
 Weight Loss Last Wk: 2.4 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (1 wk): 2.4 lbs  - Remaining:  53.6 lbs

Wednesday 7 January 2015

149 Days Until Trip - Day 10 of Training / Diet

Today I start my double digit days of training and diet, so happy I'm still at it. They say 21 days to build a habit.......I'm half way there now :-)

Diet wise, I'll be glad when I actually start to enjoy eating vegetables. At the moment, peppers, onions, celery etc. have to be cut up tiny for fear I actually chew on one. 

Admittedly  at the start you'd need a magnifying glass to see them (and no, not because my eyesight is terrible) but now they're slightly next year they should be normal size :-) 

At least they're going into my body and not cakes.........hmm did I tell you I like cakes, éclairs, vanilla slices ....whoa there......I meant to say did I tell you I like vegetables  (not - but some people are watching me....schhhh). Work in progress and all that. 10 days cake free and counting....oh yeah I am counting.


Today's plan of action is, day 2 of the 30 Days of Change.

Oh I really would like to type how I truly feel about these but it would have to look like &$£* £$%^" (^$^"%^ if you get my meaning. I mean they're only high knees and star jumps, how hard can they be? But this week again they got me......^$""^"$£""££"^^^ . Things will get easier as I get fitter and thinner.

The planks and wall sits, the usual shakes but they're done. Motivational wise, so so....I just want to my best and give it a good shot and take the ups and downs, which I am :-)

Bye for now keep smiling :-)

 Weight Loss Last Wk: 2.4 lbs -  Weight Loss To date (1 wk): 2.4 lbs  - Remaining:  53.6 lbs