Thursday 25 December 2014

Blog Begins - 162 Days Until Trip

Christmas 2014 - PIG OUT Time

Hi and welcome to my very first post of this blog which I've decided I'm going to do about my trip next year and also about my journey to get ready for my trip. Not the normal time to start especially when I plan to lose so much weight but pigging out is why I'm where I am and Christmas is the king of pig outs....well turkey outs :-)

No this is not my day one of training but rather my last few days of indulgence. For breakfast I had a fry which to be honest if I had twice a year it would be a lot but I felt like it an I had it and I cooked up all the sausages, rashers and puddings and dished up my helping and then cut up the rest to give to my two cats....that way I can't go completely mad. 

Later like most it'll be the turkey dinner followed by an afternoon and evening, eating sweets and drinking sodas...non drinker so no alcohol for me.

As for my trip, well I'm afraid you'll have to wait until tomorrow for me to tell you about it......hey it's Christmas after all.

Enjoy your day wherever you are.......keep smiling :-)     

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