Friday 26 December 2014

161 Days Until Trip

St Stephens Day

Today is the day that most people regret about the indulgences of yesterday, but by lunch repeat them all over again and I'm not going to be the exception. Monday 29th is when I'm going to begin my plan of action, training & diet to be weaned in by end of January and that way I should be successful. On the first of each month until my trip I'm going to have a cheat day but only on the first as I really need to be fit and healthier before I go.

So for now I'll show you the plan of The Trip for next year

The reason why I picked this route was simply because it's an existing route so easy to follow but that being said, I plan on changing t along the way if needs be, going more a long the coast or whatever or if I'm really struggling I'll hop on a train to my next planned location but it's going to be a fluid, I'll see what happens when I'm there.  Here's my route as currently planned.

Some days easy and some hard but overall I should be well fit by then so that I can face all obstacles with the last two days being the hardest as will be in the Pyrenees. That's the plan, next the training :-)

For the last few years I've being planning on a trip but keep putting it off for various reasons, but ferry, flight, camping gear, hotels first and last day are all sorted and paid for so I cannot chicken out. The last time I toured unsupported I was 16 so hopefully I'll be able to update my picture.

Keep smiling :-)


  1. Good on you John - will look forward to reading the updates .
