Friday 15 May 2015

21 Days Until Trip - Day 138 of Training / Diet

Hi and long time no post, so time to update again, especially now as this day three weeks I'm off .......s c a r y !

The reason for my absence is because I haven't being out since the 1st May on the bike or indeed any training. Initially was weather and just busy but then it was due to having headaches and vertigo. The ironic thing is I suffered it for nearly two weeks when all it was, was sinuses. Got prescription from doctors yesterday so hoping I'll kick in by Sunday and then get back on bike. 

Well technically I was out for a spin everyday, just happened to be the wrong kind :-)

The ironic thing is that from Monday if I was going to plan, I was to start tapering down until trip......the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry Lol, the joys.

three weeks time ... or should I say "trois semaines"

Starting to really look forward to it and have being working out the final planed and guidelines of routes to be taken.

The Beast, well she's ready too and due a service the Monday before we go. She's after having surgery and now has a new front rack which makes things easier. Now I'm spreading the gear over four panniers rather than the two and thus breaking ten weight over the whole bike. I'll test it out early next week and also plan to set up tent rather than arriving in France and not having a clue of what to do. Although that is still a good possibility.


Apart from my planned journey there's a lot of local cyclists with their own giant challenges....and all for charity.

There's a group cycling from Malin to Mizen in aid of Ronal Mc Donal House 

and then 

there's the Solas 500 in aid of the Solas Centre.....a whopping 500k in a day or in Beast terms, four to five days travel, trying to beat the tortoise :-) and at almost twice the speed I'll be going ......but where there's a will, there's a way.

Fingers crossed both charities will succeed at what they have planned. I believe they will, so as I won't be here....all the best guys and gals.

That's it for me...................................................until the next cartoon, keep smiling :-)

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