Saturday 16 May 2015

20 Days Until Trip - Day 139 of Training / Diet

I woke up this morning, after another night of only five hours sleep, but this morning was different,
I felt great, tired a little but mostly refreshed and add the vertigo (and I've fingers crossed) appears to be gone, God bless medication :-)

Then to add to that, I realised that another "Club mate" had unfriended me on Face Book making that two in the last few weeks, well two that I've noticed. And to my surprise and if you know me, I might tend to be a wee bit of a worrier, just a tad :p BUT today my thought was good riddance to you. Okay it might have had a word stating with "B"  with yes you're right.....bless you :p

I was back on the beast today, back cycling in general, after my time off and it felt good.....hmmm theme of the day is ....."feeling good and minions" .

Was out with one of my friends (Olive C) and we just did a short spin. The beast was almost at tour weight today, plus also I had the extra panniers to spread the weight as I wanted to see how it handled......all went well, no issues, thankfully.

Our route was up over Orchardstown and in to Tramore for a mandatory food stop.....yes we had cycled a massive distance so needed to carb load ha-ha. Then it was back in main road for home with the wind in our face, and no it wasn't Olive :p

 Only 30+ but I'm back, and it's a start. Tomorrow I have a charity cycle so should double today's distance and next week I'll be back on track.


This blog is about my weight loss journey and also my planned trip and to be honest it has being an up and down experience. I've learned a lot.

  • I may not have lost the weight I wanted, 
  • I may not be eating as healthy as I planned, 
  • I may not have cycled the 100,000 kilometres I planned or 
  • I may not be graceful gliding up hills, or down them, ok or even on the flats, 
  • BUT changes have happened.

I still eat lol junk days are not as often as they were, I'm down sizes in my clothes, people tell me I'm slimmer (or else they're a pack of liars lol)  but I feel slimmer myself. I no longer weigh in every single morning, weight is no longer a number. Cycling is back to being fun again and not worrying whether I averaged 16 or 26 or 36.....................oh ffs, I'll leave it at the 26 as then you believe what I'm saying, jeszz no let up from you lot :-)

Life is good.........alright, own up,who slipped happy pills into my food today.

Now get lost ye miserable shower and remember.....Keep smiling :-)

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