Tuesday 19 May 2015

17 Days Until Trip - Day 142 of Training / Diet

Today was a sad day, as my little princess headed off to the Big Apple for the next few months and we were up at 05:30 to see her off. 

Of course there's the inevitable drama :-) and then you wish it was a year she was going for......don't you just love your kids lol :-)

After six she headed off with her boyfriend, and so my little man went back to bed for whatever time he could get before school and I went to prepare "The Beast" for another big cycle day.......today we conquer Everest.

However that was the original plan, but when I was talking with Michael H, who was going to come with me today, we changed to plan B as he was caught for time, and speed and the beast don't go together.

After the usual morning stuff and school run was I was ready and waiting for Michael.

Now for those of you who may not live in Ireland, Summer time is nothing that you learned about in school. Instead it is winter with a few sunny days (not guaranteed, mind you) thrown in but today that was different. So bear that in mind when it comes to selecting what to wear. If you're brave, within a few k's your freeze your ****s off and if you go the other way and put on full tights and jacket, within the few k's your sweating like you're in a sauna. But us Irish are cute, most go a sort of in-between the two scenarios They wear the long pants and cut back on the top layer and say a decade of the rosary that this will work. Mostly it doesn't :-)

We set off Michael with his shots and fingerless gloves and myself with the long pants and full gloves, aha we covered all the bases and to be fair we were right because today's spin had everything but snow but the overall theme was the relentless wind.

We finally decided we would head to Leamybrien and home but just after Kilmacthomas we turned around to avoid the black storms clouds approaching us. It eventually caught me but not Michael as he had to head off near home. However I almost had 60k this morning, 59.5 to be precise but it's time on the bike that counts and although today was one of those times that you initially want to take a sledge hammer to your bike, you're really glad you did it.

I've decided on my next new bike.....

Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully it'll bring sunshine and no wind .....keep smiling :-)

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