Sunday 17 May 2015

19 Days Until Trip - Day 140 of Training / Diet

This morning I was out with the club (Biscuit Club) and we all cycled out to take part in a 50k charity cycle in aid of the 

This event was organised by a group of local cyclists known as "Tean Skelly" . 

This year, in a couple of weeks time, they plan on cycling from Malin Head to Mizen Head over a few days with their charity group......655 kilometre in total 

They are a great bunch of guys and gals, giving up their time to raise money for charity but I'd never tell them that :-) A couple of their members are doing extraordinary work with this endeavour, supported by rest of their club, family and friends and like in many things are often the unsung heroes......well done lads.

Why not check out their page above, and if you're local why not support them by attending one of their events to raise much needed funds for their nominated Tesco say, "Every Little Helps"........please support them

My New Baby :-)
Between the charity event and cycling to and from home I cycled 80.9 k today, but not on the beast, instead on my new bike Cube Peleton SL. 

The funny thing is that a lot of members have changed their bikes lately, that a new bike is just like saying it's windy or raining out today......."Do you like my new bike?", Oh yeah, the wind was a killer today, and tiddlywinks is on tv tonight"....."But it has the new, blah, blah, blah".......Yes, too many new bikes lol. I'm happy with it and glad to have added it to my lot - WHAT ! I'm meant to trade my old bike in, not a chance :-) She'll go with my collection, everyone has their habits.


Now that's it for the day, relaxing afternoon planned ....... tv shows catch up time. 

Hope everyone's new week is great .................keep smiling :-)

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