Friday 24 April 2015

42 Days Until Trip - Day 117 of Training / Diet

This day exactly in six weeks time I head off on my journey, so I thought I'd challenge you to...."Cycle Slow", yes slow down.

You might ask or wonder why or even think I have officially being certified mad ....schhh that letter is in the post. The reason I say it is because in these times, with all on-line resources for us to upload our cycles, some have become obsessed with their averages and have simply forgot the beauty of just being out on their bikes. 

No I'm not asking you to consistently cycle slower but just every now and then just slow up and soak up the atmosphere, the scenery, the's amazing what you miss when you're cycling flat out or pushing hard. I was only talking to a cyclist last night who said his normal averages were 26 to 28 but now that he's returning to cycling after a break his averages are 21 to 22. He said he was cycling out some road and noticed the lake, that he never paid attention to before....amazing but we all miss go enjoy them and turn off or don't look at your gps on your spin.

With the weather that has been in it (with exception of today) I have been getting in a few spins and have changed up training on the odd day by getting two spins in so that when I'm away as trying to up my weekly totals as I get closer to my trip so that it's not a complete shock. I'm still in awe at the old timer tourist cyclist I met the other day. I just think he's amazing at being able to cycle with all the load he has on his bike ....just amazing.

Four spins down this week and just about to head out for another so be careful as the roads will be slippy after the dry spell we've had......Keep smiling, keep safe and cycle slow....until the next cartoon....see ya :-)

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