Wednesday 8 April 2015

58 Days Until Trip - Day 101 of Training / Diet

Before I start, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their support on Facebook and in private after my post the other day....thanks a million :-)

As well as people wondering where my blog had gone, there was the inevitable question...."How's the weight loss going?" Now there's a trusty weighing scales I was using from the start, died, so being sensible I went for the same make again. The following morning I weighed myself and the horror music now......I was up 7 lbs, not possible, I hadn't pigged out and if it's real, well then I'm pigging out. 

So I moved it around the room, then different rooms and I got varying results from two to the seven pounds up, so that's not accurate ( never got a bloody less amount though).

I got a lone of another scales and similar happened, so I decided I'm not going to be worrying about what that says for a while and I'm going with how people react and clothes feeling bigger and fitting in to clothes I couldn't before. |Just hope I don't bump into someone, who calls me a fat b$%^&" In a month or two I'll check again or might just get weighed on one of those machines in the chemist as they're calibrated regular.

Was in Dublin yesterday so only did a small walk with my young lad, but today was bike time again. Decided I was going to do a shorter one but push it as hard as I can so that I can work on my speed. Weather was beautiful, sun was shining but I was surprised as there was a wind but I went and did what I planned..

I'm very happy with spin, especially as I was on my own....onwards and upwards :-)

That's it for today....keep smiling :-)


  1. well done john keep up the good work u will get their .
