Monday 23 February 2015

102 Days Until Trip - Day 57 of Training / Diet

Days 51 to 57

Eight weeks done and dusted and this tortoise is continuing his journey. I'm even starting to enjoy it again and the support I'm getting from friends is fantastic.

I'm getting excellent on-line support and encouragement with others coming on my spins with me, even the long ones. The long ones are hard on others as on the bike I have it's heavy and so I'm slow....hmmm slow and steady seems to be my mantra for everything on this journey :-) Thanks to all for this :-)

Unfortunately I don't have too much to report because between the weather and simply put....I been lazy last week I was only out once...but I did work hard on that spin....the wind was awful as was the constant drags. As I said no excuses I was lazy and should have been on the turbo the two days I couldn't get out. So fours times this coming week on bike and if weathers bad....I'll be on turbo.....PROMISE ! 

Today is my weigh in day and I've reached another I'm 1 stone down....actually 14.2 lbs (6.44 kilos), so target one and a half stone (21 lbs). My marble jar has 14 marbles in it now so less in the, to lose side :-)

I'm a quarter of a way on my weight loss target so finders crossed. If I manage to keep it going like this, I would have a 3 stone loss before I headed off on my trip, but I'm still aiming for the 4.

Oh that was a 2.2 lb loss for last week :-)

As I said very little to say about last week, so talk soon.

Take care, keep smiling :-)
 Weight Loss Last Wk: 2.2 lb -  Weight Loss To date (8 wks): 14.2 lbs  - Remaining:  41.8 lbs

Monday 16 February 2015

109 Days Until Trip - Day 50 of Training / Diet

Days 44 to 50

Well the weeks are rolling by fast and we're already half way through February, so won't be long before I head into the less than 100 days to go.....scary. 

Was very happy with how things went this week albeit.....body weight exercises have gone by the wayside......hmmm might try them again in a few weeks.

I got in a few spins this week and all on the "beast" as I call my touring bike (it feels like a ton weight).

Here's Wednesday's Spin

but Saturday was the one that made feel like I'm starting to get back to where I used to be. I was on a high after cycle and wasn't too sore which was great too :-)

and I finished week off with a shorter spin

I have been asked a few times about my weight loss how was I doing it with a regular weight loss.

Basically as I explained a few posts back my marble jars in my kitchen are a daily reminder of where I am and if I binge out, I'll have to take a marble from lost back into the other jar which isn't worth it as it's hard enough to lose.

I also tend to have food prepared in fridge, usually chicken or boiled eggs and if I'm hungry (no matter what the time) I go and have something. I also drink a lot of water so if I am feeling hungry, it usually means I genuinely am.

And another trick is a book I was advised to get by a friend which has pictures of various foods and their portion size and breakdown of calories etc, which is another visual aid for'll be surprised by what you think a healthy portion is.

 The Book Centre, Waterford €19.99 or Book Depository website €15.40

Oh I almost forgot.....I was down another 2.3 lbs last week giving me a new weight loss of 12.1 lbs to date......yippee !

Slow and steady wins the race :-)

Take care, keep smiling :-)
 Weight Loss Last Wk: 2.3 lb -  Weight Loss To date (7 wks): 12.1 lbs  - Remaining:  43.9 lbs

Monday 9 February 2015

116 Days Until Trip - Day 43 of Training / Diet

Days 30 to 43

The last two weeks and the week previous I wasn't well so no training as such, but feeling good again so fingers crossed. I got out on Friday and Saturday for two cycles, 34.45 and 40.21 kilometres respectively, which I really enjoyed. 

Three weeks is a lot to lose but during that time I kept my diet relatively good and continued to lose weight, albeit only a small amount....BUT a loss is a loss. 

I'm now 9.8 lbs down giving an average of 1.63 lbs weekly. Over a year that would be more than enough to reach my goal.

A friend of mine had this on her Facebook page and I thought it was apt for the few weeks I've had. Roll on tomorrow, ready to get back training proper again.

Thanks to my family and friends for the support over the last few weeks, very much appreciated.

Take care, keep smiling :-)
 Weight Loss Last Wk: 1.4 lb -  Weight Loss To date (6 wks): 9.8 lbs  - Remaining:  46.2 lbs