Monday 22 June 2015

Day 1 - 2 of Tour: Waterford to Cork

waiting for car ferry at Passage West

Day 01: Friday 05th June 2015 - Waterford to Youghal

Today's Ks': 0  Total for Trip: 0 ks'

Day 1, and I awoke to a horrible wet and windy morning, with a 75.5 k journey ahead of me. Three others were going to cycle some of the way with me, before heading back home. We were all in contact with each other and it was decided that I was getting a lift down to Youghal, rather than getting a wetting and that the next day I could start cycling. The funny thing was by the time we left the weather had turned, although it was still windy. On the way to Youghal we stopped in Leamybrien for a coffee ....well there was a strong headwind afterall :-)

From here Deirdre returned home by bike (as we had put her bike on rack in Waterford). She later said she flew back with the tailwind. Michael and I headed on to Youghal, where I stayed in the Old Imperial Hotel. It was a lovely small hotel with fantastic rooms.

To be honest I was glad I was not cycling as I had being up all night in anticipation of my trip and had even re-packed panniers around four am to reduce load. This would be reduced even further a few days later.

Around tea time while I was eating, I received a phone call and was met by two more friends who were heading for an adventure race in Dingle but took the time out to stop in to me. In fact I've received great support and encouragement, before, during and after my trip from loads of people and it's very much appreciated.

Tough day in the saddle, NOT :-)

I went to bed early, with another check of panniers just to be sure.


Day 02: Saturday 06th June 2015  - Youghal to Ringaskiddy Car Ferry

Today's Ks': 62.22  Total for Trip: 62.22 ks'

Day 2 was here and the cycling began. I headed for Cork via Carrigtwohill and Passage West car ferry for the Ferry to France. The wind was tough this morning and I had it the whole way down which was a pain but I gave myself loads of time by heading off early, way ahead of ferry time, just in case something went wrong.

My plan today was to arrive at ferry in Ringaskiddy and buy sandwiches etc for Ferry to cut back on the cost for ferry food but I was never there before and by the looks of things either was any shops to speak of. I asked someone that was cutting their grass where was the local shop and he directed me to one up the road a few 100 metres. This shop might be the in thing in the seventies but with no lights on and very little on shelves I quickly bought a packet of fruit pastilles and exited. Sandwiches, I would be lucky to get a can of peas in date, I'd say

With that I saw a bus stopped and asked the driver for directions to a shop where I could get fresh food and sandwiches and he said there's one in the next village and it's only 2k away. I then said that wouldn't be the village at the top f the hill I just came top and obviously the answer was going to be a yes....this theme would be the norm throughout my trip :-)

Off I went as loads of time. Back up the hill and if you know me, you know I don't do hills :-) Back down and waited for the ferry.

While waiting I I met up with a few other cyclists, who were going to Europe. One a Swiss girl who was after cycling from her home to Ireland and then around Kerry and back then to her home. And she cycled all the way in padding, not a chance.

Next, I met a father and his 13 year old sun who were heading to Brittany for two weeks. It was funny to see the different styles of bikes and gear that we all had. Mine was the heaviest, as I was camping and they weren't.

At two o'clock we boarded the ferry, where our bikes were tied up to the hull. I headed for my bunk and lay down for my overnight trip. I was glad of the bunk, as it was so much easier to have a place to rest yourself, especially as I don't have sea legs. 

The next day Sunday, I would begin my tour proper.

Keep smiling :-)

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